Armaos Remos

Doctor of Pedagogy, University of Manchester

Dr. Remos Armaos is an Associate Professor in Adult Education and Research Methods at the American College of Greece, Head of KETHEA’s Education Department and Adjunct Professor of Adult Education in the Hellenic Open University. His Master’s was on applied educational research (MSc) while his PhD was on learning and teaching with technologies in the University of Manchester, UK. Since 2002, he works with KETHEA engaged initially with the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of European research and training programs in health and educational support for drug offenders, harm reduction projects as well as in projects networking drug services and researching on employability issues for drug addicts. His current position focuses on designing, developing and evaluating education and training programs for professionals within the field of drug addictions, networking with academic institutions on aspects of drug education, research evidence and evaluation. Since 2006, he is adjunct Professor at the Hellenic Open University teaching on adult education methodologies. He has been employed as a Research Fellow-national evaluator within a multidisciplinary project at the University of Sheffield, UK focusing on the tracking of interventions aiming to reduce antisocial behaviour in youth (National Evaluation of On Track), community profiling, project management and cost-effectiveness analysis. He is a national and European –level expert evaluator on lifelong learning and ERASMUS+ projects while he has several publications in peer reviewed journals, book review and other conference presentations in the field of education and addictions.


  1. Armaos, R. & Phillips, N. (2023) Super Power of Play in Adult Critical Education: The SP2ACE Transferability Toolkit, Hellenic Adult Education Association Press
  2. Soumelidou, E. & Armaos, R. (2023). Examining the psychometric properties of the Greek version of the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) in University students, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Research, 5(3), 1-8.
  3. Aρμάος, Ρ. (2022). Έρευνα στην Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων. Στο Α. Καραλής, & Π. Λιντζέρης, Λεξικό Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων, Εκδ. Επιστημονική Ένωση Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων
  4. Kesopoulos, I. & Armaos, R., (2022). Μελετώντας τη διεργασία του μετασχηματισμού των εκπαιδευομένων σε ένα Σχολείο Δεύτερης Ευκαιρίας, ΑDULT EDUCATION Critical Issues, 2(1), 70-85.
  5. Armaos, R., Cullen, J., & Tsiboukli, A. (2021). Innovative Digital and Experiential Blended Learning Non-Formal Programme for Community Animators: Lessons learned., ΑDULT EDUCATION Critical Issues, 1(1), 32-40. doi:
  6. Arvaniti, E., Bertozzi, R. & Armaos, R. (2019) Intercultural sensitivity in cross-cultural settings: The case of university students in Italy and Greece In Daher, L.M. Multi(Inter)cultural School in Inclusive Societies? An Interdisciplinary Approach, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  7. Armaos, R. & Tsiboukli, A. (2018) Medical students’ training needs and attitudes on substance abuse: Implications for medical education in Greece, Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 26:6, 508-516 DOI:10.1080/09687637.2018.1494133