


The MA Program “Identity, Education, and Competences for Democratic Culture” of the Department of Theology (coordinating department) is carried out remotely and is one year long.


However, it is foreseen that students can participate in international student exchange programs, such as the ERASMUS+ or CIVIS programs, according to the current legislation. In this case, the maximum number of ECTS they can have recognized is thirty (30). Students are eligible for participation in the aforementioned mobility programs after the first semester of studies.


The students that wish to partake in the exchange programs must submit the relevant application, along with all the required documentation, posted on NKUA’s  website.


The duration of participating in mobility programs is set at one academic semester. However, students have the right to mobility for 12 months per cycle of studies (graduate, postgraduate and doctorate), no matter the number and type of mobility they have completed (studies or internship).


In addition, students can apply for an Erasmus+ internship that takes place after their graduation.

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