
Scholarships & Awards

Scholarships & Awards

Students can apply to receive scholarships and awards during their studies. The call for applications will be posted on the MA website along with the criteria and the necessary supporting documents. According to Greek legislation students from third-world countries are not eligible.



Scholarships of Excellence

Scholarships of excellence (up to three per specialization) are awarded to honor students based on their performance in the courses of the first semester.

One full scholarship of Excellence

One full scholarship of excellence is awarded by the European Wergeland Center after students’ registration and application.

Full exemption from tuition fees

Full exemption from tuition fees is awarded to the MA Program’s students, based on financial, social criteria according to the existing legislation. Prerequisite for eligibility: Bachelor degree of 7.5/10 or more.

Awards for Excellence

Awards for Excellence. The MA Program may award awards of excellence to the first three students of each class following the completion of the courses of the first and the second semester.

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