Stavros Yangazoglou

Associate Professor of Dogmatics School of Theology, Department of Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Stavros Yangazoglou graduated from the Faculty of Theology of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki. He studied ecumenical theology at the Institut œcuménique de Bossey, medieval philosophy and theology at Fribourg in Switzerland. Since 2005 he has been teaching theology at the Hellenic Open University, in Athens. In 2017 he was elected assistant professor of dogmatics within the Department of Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, while in March 2022 he was elected Associate Professor of the same Department. His research has focused on the theology of Gregory Palamas, dogmatics, ecclesiology, systematic theology, theology of culture, religious education in public schools as well as on contemporary Orthodox thinkers (N. Berdiaev, G. Florovsky, V. Lossky, P. Evdokimov, N. Nissiotis, J. Zizioulas).

Indicative publications:

  1. Communion of Theosis: The synthesis of Christology and Pneumatology in the work of Gregory Palamas (Athens 2001);
  2. The Communion of the Eschaton: Essays in Eschatological Ontology (Athens 2016);
  3. At the Borderline of Theology: Essays on the Dialogue between Theology and Culture (Athens 2017),
  4. Lectures in Dogmatic Theology (Athens 2021), Theology and Culture, Essays on the Relation of Theology, Culture and Education in a Changing World (Athens 2021), Theology and Modernity, Essays on the encounter between Orthodox Theology and the modern world (Athens, 2023).