5+1 hacks to spot a quality Master’s Program

5+1 hacks to spot a quality Master’s Program

Are you on the search for the perfect Master Program for you? Well, with so many options out there, it is only natural to feel a bit lost. That’s why we are here.

Here are 6 questions to help you spot quality Master-level Education:

1. Which Institute offers the Master Program?

It is important to pick a master’s degree provided by a prestigious, recognized University. Check out trustworthy global and European rankings like QS Ranking. Watch out for false claims using your best friend: Search Engines like Google.

2. Is the Curriculum cohesive and innovative?

Search the Program’s website for its full Curriculum (and specializations if available) and do a deep dive search: along with innovative courses concerning issues like artificial intelligence, you also need to have introductory courses to the fundamentals of research like a course for methodology and how to write a master thesis.

3. Are there University services to provide you with support during our studies?

Doing a master’s degree requires time and effort so it is important that you have support from the university’s services. Is there an academic counselor to turn to? Is accessibility ensured? If the answer is yes, you are probably on the right track!

4. Are there opportunities for practical application of your knowledge (e.g. internship).

It is very important that the master’s program you choose provides an opportunity for practice, so that you can get a both theoretical and professional experience on the subject you study.

5. The teaching staff.

Check out each Master Program’s Teaching Staff webpage. You want to make sure that instructors are qualified with various publications relevant to the courses they teach.

6. Bonus tip: Should I opt for an online or in-person Master’s Program?

Online Programs can be just as effective as traditional ones. Make sure that the Master Program you choose has synchronous courses, not only asynchronous ones, so you can have all the perks of being a student, meeting new people, having interactions with students and instructors in the classroom while saving you the trouble of applying for a visa and relocating. To spot quality distance learning you have to also make sure the Institution has all the needed infrastructure to support this.

You can check out the benefits of online learning in our newest article: Online Learning in Master Studies: Is it worth a try?


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